


معلومات عنا


At Tokuyama Dental, we are proud to be part of the Tokuyama Group, a comprehensive chemical manufacturer, and to specialize in developing dental equipment and materials using our strength in chemistry.

Our unwavering focus on research and development enables us to maintain our competitive edge, while placing a premium on reflecting the needs of our customers, including dentists, dental technicians, and dental hygienists, in our products without overburdening them with excessive technology. We achieve this through direct communication with our customers, including participating in clinical settings and actively listening to feedback.

Integrating digital technology into our core dental equipment and materials has been a key challenge in recent years, and we are addressing it from various angles, unencumbered by preconceived notions, to ensure our products remain on the cutting edge. With a declining birthrate in Japan, we are anticipating a decline in the domestic market and are therefore actively expanding our presence global markets where we already have established.